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The spirituality of the Voluntas Dei Institute

It is worth mentioning that the elements of the spirituality of happiness can be found in the spirituality of the institute.


The ideal of life that the Voluntas Dei Institute promotes is doing our Father’s will in everything as Christ and the Virgin Mary did. This is translated into an appropriate spirituality called the

spirituality of the 5-5-5.


Through the first five, we develop an intimate life with the Lord in our everyday prayers by practicing the following spiritual exercises: prayer or meditation, reading the Word of God and spiritual writings, Eucharist, devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and to the Virgin Mary, and especially meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary and the reciting of the rosary. These exercises create a solid relationship with God and stimulate a constant reference to spiritual life in order to be able to fully work in the world and in the way of the world.


Through the second five, we particularly cultivate the spirit of contemplation, humility and fraternal charity through the following attitudes:


The presence of God: We search for the presence of God in living the present moment; we regularly come in interior contact with Him and take advantage of every occasion to intensify this union.


Absence of criticism: We have a loving attitude toward people and receive the Christ present in them by avoiding all interior or exterior destructive criticism.


Absence of complaint: We open ourselves to the marvelous in order to discover and welcome the presence of Christ in events while avoiding all useless interior or exterior complaints.


Being of service: We fully assume our responsibilities and love serving our brothers and sisters with gratitude and eagerness like Jesus did—namely, with a great welcome and love for others.


Being an peacemaker: We strive to keep peace in our hearts; we commit to initiate an evangelical climate of justice and fraternity in order to become instruments of reconciliation among us and therefore fulfill our apostolic objective of building peace and fraternity in Jesus Christ.


Through the third five, we seize each day five concrete occasions to exercise fraternal charity in order to train ourselves to live these contacts with others in a positive way, just as Jesus taught us.


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