council 2023-2027
Fr Philippe Désiré Director
Fr André Côté
Assistant Director
Fr Marc Laroche
Fr Andrew P Mayer Councillor
Jacques Théberge Councillor
Norbert & Lorraine Thibert
Odette Dagenais
District Secretary
At the 2019 Canadian District Assembly, the District management of
co-responsibility was reconfirmed.
According to Larousse, “co-responsability is responsibility shared among several individuals”.
Within an organization, making the choice to govern in a shared manner implies that the individuals involved in the governance of the group are committed to a process where each one becomes jointly and in solidarity accountable for the attainment of results, and this in various contexts. This shared solidarity is so very important within the climate that goes with their co-operation.
Co-responsibility implies a high level of transparency between the members of the governing team, mutual sharing of information and the acceptance of initiatives coming from the members of the group or from one’s colleagues.
Co-responsibility leads to the moral obligation of answering for and standing behind one’s actions. If co-responsibility gives decision-making powers, it also implies that one must answer for the decisions.
The mission of the organization remains the point around which all other responsibilities turn.
Image of coresponsibiliy
The mission always remains the central point of all of our responsibilities.
committees and their coordinators
Jacques Théberge
Catholic Conference of Secular Institutes
Father Philippe Désiré
Communications and Visibility
Norbert Thibert
Facebook - French - Lorraine Thibert
Facebook - English - Gabriel Levesques
French - Odette and Alain Dagenais
English - Norbert and Lorraine Thibert
French - Carole Lagacé and Clément Lafortune
Father André Côté
Father Marc Laroche
Formation of candidates for ordained ministries
Father Philippe Désiré
Coordinator of services to English members
Father Gilbert Doddatto
Note: For further information regarding the responsibilities of these committees, please
contact us.